Jap Show Final | 08/10/06


Yet again another show, this time it was the Jap Pro Shootout final. I'd been looking forward to this event since May time when i was last down at Santa Pod. I had to wake up at about 4.30am just to meet GeeUK in Huddersfield, so i didn't even bother going to sleep haha. The convoy down to Pod was a good laugh though, we had about seven Starlets and a couple of other random cars like a Nismo 350Z and a Celica GT-4.

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When we first arrived at Santa Pod there were so many Japanese cars to look at, infact there was too many to even. I couldn't believe how many cars actually turned up, i had no chance of photographing them all so i just stuck to the cars that really stood out to me, i think my personal favourite cars were the black S13 Silvia with flared arches, and the JZX90 Chaser. There was also a drifting demo arena which had quite a lot of action going on all day long with free ride alongs and a demo from the Steer From the Rear boys too. The pics below are of the show cars and the drifting demo arena.

Show Cars
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Ok, the final part to this post is the Pro Shootout cars, i got a few shots of the cars on the strip and in the gallery aswell, this is what i came down to see, the Norris Designs Evo, and the other cars were insanely fast. I just loved the noise and the smell of all the cars, its one of those experience where you have to actually be there, but i have the next best thing in the form of photograph's.

I saw a Skyline GT-R do an 8.8 sec quater mile at about 185mph which is absolutley crazy. The other cars such as the Envy Supra and CRD Supra were also amazing to watch, this was a totally awseome day its got to be said. Same time next year for definate i'm there. Enjoy the final pics.

Pro Shootout
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