Konichiwa, it seems the longer i leave it to create a new post the more mods i get done in between. Its been a busy few months since i last posted on the blog, it have been quite busy too so be ready for lots of pictures, i'll try keep the wording down this time as not many of you have time to read it all.
I'll start off with the new wheel nuts that were bought for my 21st birthday from my girlfriend and sister, they are Muteki nuts in black open ended but they finish off the bronze Final Speed's nicely i think. Also they are locking with the special tool provided which means you don't have a gastly looking locking nut standing out.
Muteki Wheel Nuts

The next modification on the cards was the SARD battery relocation kit, i'd been thinking about distributing the weight around the car now, since having it stripped out the rear end sits about 30mm too high. Having the battery in the boot should help out with the soft rear end braking out under heavy braking and entering tight corners. The only down side would be having less weight over the front end for traction but its a good compramise, total balance is the key to a quick car.
The SARD kit came with everything i needed basically, sealed aluminium box and all the fitting's including a new battery tie-down and plugs for the wire's to keep it all sealed and a clear tube to divert the harmful gasses given off by the battery. Not had chance to test it out properly yet but it feels good so far.
SARD Battery Relocation

Since the rear end was lacking stability i thought it was also time to fix in an upper rear strut brace to link the two pillars together. I always loved Cusco products so i went for the Type-40 brace, after fitting this part and taking it for a spin the car turned in so much sharper and the rear behaved itself really well, i was amazed at how well a strut brace can improve the handling characteristics of a car. This is definately a worth while modification to the EP82 to imrpove the handling.
Cusco Type-40 Rear Strut Brace

Ok, now were onto the cosmetic's as it were. I've always wanted clear indicators for my EP82 but these were never standard factory items so i had to find some from an early model EP80 and take out the orange reflector part, this was prooving quite difficult at the time but eventually i got hold of a cheap set and got to work. I think they make the car look at lot cleaner and more luxorious, i also used silver indicator bulbs to add to the effect.
Next on the cards was a set of HID bulbs, i bought a kit of a fellow GT owner and had trouble deciding where and how to mount the ballast boxes, eventually i came up with a solution after moving the battery to the boot i had a lot of space left to play with so it was all go. They bulbs themselves needed a bit of modifying, filing down the clips and removing the rubber seal so it would fit perfectly into the light housing. After connecting them all up which is seriously easy, turned them on and they looked totally amazing, the power of these kits are phenominal, they light up everything and make the car look so much more modern.
Clear Indicators & HID Kit

So thats about it for this stage, i'll get some better photo's up soon in a decent location and lighthing to do the HID's justice and other parts. Thanks for looking. Peace!